In a few days, we’ll be off to visit Dr. Vanderver at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. She and all the people at CHOP are wonderful, but there is nothing else that can be done for Amelia, medically. It’s mostly a trip to assess Amelia’s regression, and let us know how we can assist and comfort her going forward.
Because we don’t know how much longer Amelia is going to be able to take in her surroundings, we’re trying to make every trip worthwhile. This time, we’ll be touring around Washington DC, seeing historical sites in Philadelphia, going to a few baseball games, spend time with my sister and her family, and visit the National Centre for Padre Pio.
If you’re unfamiliar with St. Padre Pio, he was a Franciscan friar in Italy. During his lifetime, he experienced stigmata, which was confirmed to be real by three separate doctors. People visited him from all over the world, and through his intercession, many were miraculously healed.
Padre Pio was also deeply concerned about those who were not cured. He once said, “The Lord grants spectacular cures to many people, but what of those who are not part of this divine plan? How are they to bear this cross of ill health? Can’t something be done for them, too?” Thus, Padre Pio initiated the construction of Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza (Home for the Relief of Suffering), a hospital in San Giovanni Rotondo.
We’ll be visiting his shrine on Friday the 22nd, so I will begin a Novena to Padre Pio tomorrow.
Today, we can get a head start with Padre Pio’s Prayer for the Healing of a Sick Child:
Lord Jesus, you invited children to come to you. You welcomed them, touched them, and blessed them with Your love and goodness. I now commend to Your living care, this dear child Amelia, who is ill and in need of your help.
Please, dear Lord, in Your tender mercy, relieve this child of all pain, guard this child from danger, and restore this child with Your gifts of gladness and strength.
By the power of Your Holy Spirit, restore Amelia to the fullness of health. To You be all glory and honor, praise and thanks, now and forevermore. Amen.
Always have Amelia in my prayers, Matt. May the Lord shine his healing grace down upon her. Enjoy your trip. Gayle